Tetsutaka Sugawara was born in Hokkaido in 1941. In 1960, he began Aikido
at the Hombu Dojo, Tokyo, under O-Sensei Morihei Ueshiba, founder of Aikido.
The following year, he became uchideshi under O-Sensei at the Ibaraki Dojo.
In 1964, he returned to Tokyo and entered Chuo University. By 1973, he had
established Minato Research and Publishing Co. (now Sugawara Martial Arts
Institute, Inc.)
In 1975, he entered the Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu, receiving the
'kyoshi' instructor's license in 1986.
In April 1992, he introduced Aikido to the Shanghai Institute of Physical
Education at the Beijing University of Medical Science. In November that
same year, he received Kyoshi-license in Okinawan Goju-ryu Karatedo from
Yasuichi Miyagi. In June the following year, he introduced Aikido to the
Wuhan Institute of Physical Education at the Fujian University of
Traditional Chinese Medical Science.
In May 1995, he received 7th Dan in Aikido from Kisshomaru Ueshiba. He
subsequently introduced Aikido to the Chengdu Institute of Physical
Education in China, and has received a Lecturer's License from the Shanghai
Institute of Physical Education.
The Sugawara Martial Arts Institute is located at Machida-shi, and is
affiliated with the Aikikai Headquarters in Tokyo, Japan. Classes in
Aikido, Katori Shinto Ryu, and T'ai Chi Ch'uan are taught there by
Sugawara Sensei and Xing Yan Ling.
Besides teaching martial arts, Sugawara Sensei publishes books on Japanese
and Chinese martial arts, and is actively involved in researching ancient
swordmaking techniques.